The truth of the matter is that even a little rainfall can make driving more dangerous than usual. Wet roads paired with oily residue require drivers to be more vigilant and careful on the road. Here are some tips for driving in the rain, so you and everyone else can remain safe.
Pull Over If You Cannot See
Ultimately, you do not want to drive if you cannot see. There is no shame in pulling off to the side of the road until visibility improves. In the event you need to be somewhere, you can simply call the person from your cell phone to say you will be late. It is always preferable to be late than to risk an accident.
Increase Following Distance
When the road is wet, the distance it takes for your vehicle to come to a complete stop once you apply the brakes will increase. Therefore, you want to leave plenty of room between you and the car immediately in front of you.
Turn On Headlights
It will help other drivers see you if you keep your headlights on, even if it is the middle of the day. This will also help you see what is in front of you to avoid a rear-end collision. Additionally, you should always use your turn signals when it is raining. You may not think about it when turning on a side street, but letting the drivers behind you know what you are doing will help prevent any accidents.
Avoid Using Cruise Control
Cruise control can help in certain circumstances, but you should never use it when the road is slick. If you use cruise control in rainy conditions, then your vehicle will automatically speed up if it begins to hydroplane. This increases the chances of you losing control.
Do Not Panic If Hydroplaning Occurs
Learning how to drive in the rain involves learning how to react under the most unfortunate circumstance, which is hydroplaning. The important thing to remember is not to panic. You may feel tempted to slam on the brakes, but you should avoid doing this at all costs. Hitting the brakes will only make matters worse. Instead, you want to take your foot off the accelerator and try to keep the steering wheel straight.
Replace Windshield Wipers Regularly
Ideally, you should replace your windshield wipers one to two times annually. If it has been a while since you received a replacement, then you need to do it immediately. Drivers who go in the rain with faulty wipers are more at risk of having distorted and blurry views.
Inspect Tire Traction
If you take your car in to replace your windshield wipers, then you should also have the technician inspect your tires. When tires have lost their tread, there is a significant reduction in traction, which increases the chances of losing control.
Pay Attention to Warning Signs
Some roadways may have signs lit up saying something along the lines of, “Do Not Cross When Flooded.” You need to take these warnings to heart. If you ignore a sign, then your car could end up stalling in the water.
Dry Your Shoes
As you walk out to your car, your shoes will likely become wet due to the moisture on the ground. Wet soles can cause your foot to slip from the pedal, so it is recommended to wipe your shoes on the carpeting or matting to dry them off before departing.
Follow These Tips Even After the Rain Has Stopped
Even if rain is no longer falling, you still need to be careful. Many accidents occur because drivers assume it is safe to drive normally again, but the roads are still slippery and wet. Remain extra cautious until the roads are completely dry again.
Before the rainy season comes to Arizona again, you should take your car into Sun Devil Auto so that our skilled technicians can take a look at it. Now that you know how to drive in the rain, you should also know what scheduled maintenance you need to perform on your car at regular intervals.