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Car Battery Maintenance In All Seasons & Weather

There are many factors that may determine the lifespan of car batteries including how often the vehicle is driven, extreme temperatures, as well as age and quality of the battery. While most batteries can last anywhere between three and five years, in the Southwest you can expect to be on the lower part of the spectrum.

Car battery maintenance is just one of many ways you can prevent your battery from expiring sooner rather than later. Performing battery maintenance before the two seasons where the most extreme temperatures occur is the best way to extend the life of your car’s battery. Car Battery Maintenance


The heat that summer brings is stifling not only to you, but also your car’s battery. Most car battery problems occur in hot weather. Heat is the battery’s worst enemy causing it to drain at an incredible rate. Higher temperatures increase corrosion within the cells that reduce the battery’s lifespan. Frequent exposure to high internal temperatures permanently damages cells and prevents them from recharging.

 Avoid car battery problems in hot weather by doing the following:

  • Have battery tested to check the charge.
  • When the charge is low, check the electrolyte fluid, and add distilled water if needed.
  • Clean any corrosion off the surface of the battery and connections.
  • Park in the shade when possible.


Fall brings cooler, more bearable temperatures that batteries prefer. Still, there are days and nights that may be a bit unpredictable bringing cooler or warmer temperatures. This is an ideal time to prepare and protect your car’s battery from the harsh winter conditions that can be expected in the next few months. Do you know how to keep your battery from dying in cold weather? By replacing your current battery. 

Look for the best car battery for cold weather for your vehicle in your region of the country. Automotive batteries are rated with a Cold-Cranking Amperage that detail how well the battery can endure cold temperatures without dropping to a certain voltage. Higher ratings mean the battery will be more apt to handle extreme conditions. 

Maintain Your Battery in Fall by doing the following:

  • Have battery tested to check the charge.
  • Replace battery if charge is low.
  • Clean corrosion that may have built up over the summer from the battery and all connections.


If your battery was weakened over the summer, by the time winter comes, your battery will be struggling to stay charged. Cold temperatures are hard on batteries. In fact, more car batteries die in cold weather than in other season or temperature. 

At freezing temperatures, the battery can lose up to 60% of its charge

Plus, in the winter, your car demands more power to start and keep the cabin area warm. If that’s not enough, consider the other parasitic draws on the electrical system such as charging smartphones, radios, heated seats, and other electronic devices that require more draw from the battery. Your battery will definitely experience major struggles from so much demand. 

Here’s how to protect your battery from the cold:

  • Have battery tested to check the charge.
  • Ensure all battery connections are tightened and secure.
  • Purchase and keep a battery charger nearby to help keep your battery charged.
  • For temperatures below freezing, consider purchasing a block heater or battery blanket to keep your battery warm.
  • Store jumper cables in trunk or other storage area “just in case.” 


Like fall, spring can be just as unpredictable, but is overall pretty mild. This is a good time to prepare your battery for the extreme heat that summer will bring. Consider researching and purchasing the best car battery for hot weather before summer arrives. Batteries that are manufactured for warmer climates have a higher electrolyte-to-lead ratio that are able to tolerate higher temperatures.

Maintain Your Battery in Spring by doing the following:

  • Have battery tested to check the charge
  • Replace a battery that is low or near low on charge

Keep Your Car Running All Year Round

Routine maintenance is the key to ensuring your car continues to run optimally. Extreme weather conditions can negatively affect your vehicle, including the battery. To prevent the unpleasant experience of being stranded, have your battery tested often, especially before each major season.

In addition to a low charge, if your car has difficulty cranking, the headlights dim when the vehicle is idling, you hear a grinding noise, or if your battery is more than three years old, it’s a good time to replace it.