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3 Myths About Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are increasing in popularity, and therefore skepticism is on the rise. There are many advantages and disadvantages of purchasing alternative fuel-source vehicles, but some of the conversations are diluted with myths. Here are three of the main myths that drive the discussion.

Myth #1: Electric Vehicles Will Drain Our Electric Utility Supply

It makes sense to think that the more electric vehicles there are on the road, the more electricity will be consumed. However, a study conducted by Navigant Research concludes that the increase in electricity usage will not create challenges for utility companies. In fact, consumer recharging activities could actually help balance supply and demand.

Peak electricity usage occurs during the day when everyone is awake and running their lives. During the evenings, electricity usage usually plummets. The evening is also the preferred time for most electric vehicle owners to recharge. This means that normal daily electricity demand is not overloaded and plenty of electricity is available for nightly recharge.

Myth #2: Electric Vehicles Produce More Lifecycle Emissions Than Gasoline-Powered Vehicles

One main goal of electric vehicles is to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to greenhouse gases and climate change. Though this goal is met while driving electric vehicles, the production process actually creates a significant amount of unfavorable emissions. Electric vehicle batteries are the main culprit for producing a greater amount of pollution than their gasoline-powered counterparts. Other components of vehicle manufacturing are comparable in emissions, which provokes the notion that electric vehicles may be counterproductive.

However, as one scientist clarifies, when analyzing the lifecycle emissions throughout production, actual usage, and disposal or end-of-life, electric vehicles are proven to have more advantages and fewer emissions.

Myth #3: Electric Vehicle Sales Are Directly Linked to Gas Prices

Another common thought is that more drivers purchase electric vehicles as the price of gas increases. It makes sense that consumers would turn to alternative energy sources to reduce their personal cost of transportation. However, a study by “Plug-In America” shows that consumers don’t seem to care about the cost of gas when deciding on an electric or gasoline-powered vehicle. Though gas prices fluctuate, the ups and downs cancel out over time, and there is no noticeable correlation between gas prices and electric vehicle sales.

Why Buy an Electric Vehicle?

Since gas prices, electricity usage, and carbon emissions tend to take a backseat, there are clearly other reasons why consumers lean toward electric vehicles. Size, style, lifecycle costs, and personal philosophy might be the driving factors that influence consumer decision-making.