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There’s More Going on With Your Brakes Than You Think

It seems simple, but having properly functioning brakes helps ensure that your vehicle performs optimally. Brakes are a crucial part of safely operating a vehicle. When your brakes are working their best, it can make all the difference in an emergency braking situation. The brakes and brake system in your vehicle are composed of various parts that work together harmoniously. When one or more of these parts becomes worn out or inefficient, your ability to stop your vehicle becomes compromised.

In addition to your brake pads, there are other components of your brake system that you may not be as familiar with, such as: brake lines, master cylinder, proportioning valve, wear indicator, calipers, ABS module, and rotors. When all of these parts work together properly, you get the best vehicular performance.

There are many warning signs that could mean there are possible issues with any component of your brake system. Look for any of these signs when you apply your brakes:

  • Grinding or squeaking noises
  • Change in tension
  • Any type of pulsing
  • Nose diving before stopping
  • Pulling to the right or left

As soon as you notice even the slightest indication that something doesn’t seem right, you should see a brake specialist and have a diagnostic inspection done on your brake system. By the time you notice that something isn’t right, a problem already exists and needs to be resolved.

Be smart about brake repairs with regular maintenance. Regular brake system inspections not only help keep your brakes performing at their best, but they also identify these potential problems early on. Since preventative measures help highlight issues while they’re still manageable, they can also end up saving you money in the end. By maintaining your brakes and making minor repairs early, you can save money on major brake repairs.