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Keep Your AC System in Top Shape

If you live in the Phoenix area, you can expect temperatures to begin rising around the end of April or May. So, how can you prepare your car for the summer, to make sure your car sees you through the 100+ degree temperatures?

A yearly air conditioning is an important method to keep your auto’s air conditioning system in top shape. To make certain your air conditioning functions throughout the summer, however, we recommend an air conditioning inspection be performed before summer begins, around March or April.

Here’s what you should expect with Sun Devil Auto’s Free Air Conditioning Inspection:

  • Inspection of belts & hoses. We’ll visually inspect the condition of your A/C system’s belts and hoses to ensure they are in satisfactory condition. Engine drive belts power your vehicle’s accessories including the air conditioning compressor and if compromised will render the A/C system inoperable.
  • Electronically test for leaks or contamination. We will electronically test your system for leaks or contaminants with our state-of-the-art equipment. If necessary, we can install a fluorescent dye* in the system to help pinpoint any leaks that may be present. (*Additional cost)
  • Inspect system components for proper operation. We’ll take the time to test every part that makes your air conditioning function. Any part that may be deteriorating or shows wear will be recommended for replacement.
  • Duct temperature efficiency measurement. A specialized thermometer is inserted in your air conditioning vents or ducts, to confirm the temperature of air released from your vents is within normal parameters. Most vehicle air conditioning temperatures, as recommended by manufacturers, run between 35°F and 55°F, which can vary due to outside temperatures and humidity.

Outside of an inspection, some vehicles require an evacuation and recharge of the system. An evacuation removes all moisture from the system by vacuum. The recharge then restores refrigerant and oil to proper levels with the addition of dye to identify possible leaks in the future.

Keep in mind vehicles these days are designed differently than older vehicle air conditioning systems. Today’s cars and trucks are designed to hold less refrigerant and operate with higher pressures. Meaning, we’re demanding more from our air conditioning systems than ever before. These demands make systems more vulnerable, requiring more attention.

At Sun Devil Auto our ASE certified technicians will give your car the attention it needs to prepare for the summer months. Stay cool, stay safe with Sun Devil Auto.